Membrane Biological Reactor

Membrane Bio-Reactor Family







Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology combines conventional activated sludge (CAS) treatment with a membrane liquid-solid separation process.  Filter Innovations offers FII MicroClear™ MBR systems for treating both municipal and industrial wastewater. FII MicroClear™ MBRs are robust enough to withstand variations in operation conditions due to fluctuating sludge concentration, sludge age and organic load. As a result, these systems are particularly well-suited to wastewater treatment plants with significant seasonal or daily variations in wastewater loading, including work camps, tourist areas, or remote, decentralized districts.

The core of the FII MicroClear™ MBR - the membrane filter - is submerged directly into the untreated water. The filtrate is drawn through and out of the filter by a slightly negative pressure. The MicroClear™ filter (pore size = 0.05 micron) is an effective barrier against solids, organic pollutants and microorganisms. Its robust plastic construction and environmentally friendly self-cleaning capabilities make the MBR system an unrivalled product.

Features and Benefits: 

· Well-suited to on-site wastewater treatment and decentralized approaches to wastewater management
· MBR footprint is 75% smaller than that of a conventional activated sludge (CAS) system
· Exceptional effluent quality with a 99.999% virus removal, BOD < 5 mg/L, and turbidity < 1 NTU
· Small sludge yield - 60-80% less than that of a CAS treatment plant

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